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Park Plaza Verudela
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Park Plaza Verudela


Breathtaking views, Self-catering apartments, Ideal for families

It represents an ideal summer resort for families with children and those who wish to enjoy their holidays on the Adriatic Sea and discover the beauty of the Istrian peninsula. The Park Plaza Verudela Resort features comfortable self-catering apartment accommodation, on the beautiful southern coast of Croatia. Located on the eastern side of the Punta Verudela peninsula, the Park Plaza Verudela Resort offers modern and well equipped accommodation and makes an ideal choice of stay for families with children, as well as travellers who enjoy the flexibility of a residential apartment during their stay. The Park Plaza Verudela Resort offers an enchanting combination of supreme comfort and hospitality making you feel completely at home.

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Park Plaza Verudela
  • Verudela Shopping Avenue

    Verudela Shopping Avenue boasts a variety of stores each with something unique to offer. The avenue also has a pharmacy, convenience store, Speciality coffee shop, Secondi Burger Bar, Jazz House, Barber shop, car rental and tourism agency.

  • Restaurants & Bars

    Whether you’re looking for a delicious meal by the sea or a more intimate evening drink, you’ll find it here.

  • Beaches & Pools

    Fabulous swimming pools overlooking the sea and pebble beaches.

  • Arena Activities

    Treat yourself to a true vacation with carefully created fun and animation content just for you!


Guest Rating Score™

Guest Rating Score™ (GRS™) reflects this hotel's quality based on verified guest reviews from across the internet.

The GRS™ is calculated using over 100 million reviews in 40+ languages from 100+ travel sites. Powered by Reviewpro Reputation, the leader in hotel reputation management, the GRS™ provides a trusted, unbiased view of this hotel’s online reputation. Reviewpro Reputation guarantees that the data in this quality seal is accurate and up-to-date.

1295 reviews

10 websites

8.6 / 10

Availability for your search



  • Beaches & Pools
  • Verudela shopping avenue
  • Sport activities
Info & surroundings

Park Plaza Verudela
Info & surroundings

Address Verudella 11, Pula, 52100, Croatia
Working Hours 0-24
Check-In / Check-Out Check-in is from 16:00 and check-out is until 10:00.
Parking Free public parking is possible on site (reservation is not needed).
Telephone +385 52 590 781
Fax +385 52 222 798
E-mail ppvpres@parkplazacroatia.hr
Payment options Cash, Credit Card, Bank transfer