Secure your stay with full payment upfront and enjoy peace of mind knowing your room is reserved at the best price.
Unlock incredible savings with our exclusive Non-Refundable Rate!
Plan ahead and save more. We look forward to welcoming you!
Note: If you book any accommodation under the PLAN & SAVE rate, we will charge the payment in advance. For non-refundable reservations, payment is made at the time of booking, and cancellations or changes to the reservation dates are not possible. You can check the cancellation policy on your reservation confirmation, so we advise you to read it carefully, as the cancellation conditions depend on the specific rates, promotions, and special offers.
Terms & conditions:
30.9.2024. – 31.12.2024.
Germany, Nuremberg
Park Plaza Nuremberg offers 177 rooms and enjoys an exquisite location opposite Nuremberg Central Station. The hotel is next to the historical Old Town with its attractions and is directly accessible by a number of European highways and international airports while being in easy reach of the Nürnberg Messe conference centre which is one of the largest conference centres in Europe.
Price from 89,25 € 96,39 € per unit